BHA update: Equine Influenza

BHA update: Equine Influenza

1. Introduction

Following a decrease in the number of reported outbreaks of Equine Influenza in the United Kingdom and Europe, the BHA Veterinary Committee have agreed to further relax the requirements for all horses on Racecourse Property. This includes runners from non-Licensed yards (ARO, Hunter Chasers and PRA), non-GB runners (including France and Ireland) and other horses on racecourses (for example RoR).

The BHA Veterinary Committee will continue to monitor any future reports of outbreaks of Equine Influenza, and our position may change at any time should there be an increase in the number of outbreaks reported.

The BHA would like to once again convey huge thanks to all participants who have worked so hard to ensure that the recent requirements have been met. Your efforts have been appreciated by the entire industry.

2. Summary of Requirements from 17 September 2019

All horses on racecourse property

• Compliant EI vaccination within NINE calendar months* (eight months plus a one-month grace period) of the day of the race.

*Calendar months (e.g. 1 January – 1 October)

• There is NO requirement to submit information in advance – where necessary, passports will be checked by BHA staff upon entry to the Racecourse

• There is NO requirement to submit a Health Declaration Form or for a nasopharyngeal swab (PCR) to be completed

The BHA is continuing to consult with European racing jurisdictions, including France and Ireland, in an effort to harmonise the intervals for Equine Influenza vaccinations, and will be meeting in early October in order to make a final decision. Please be aware that further changes to vaccination intervals may be announced as a result of this consultation.

Equine Events

All equine events will continue to be dealt with on a case by case basis – please note all passports will still require checking in advance by the Racecourse. Applications should be made to Racecourse Operations: